26 July 2011


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When I see something weird [food that is], I do not hesitate to try and eat it. Cam across Bean Boozled by Jelly Belly last year and had lotsa fun with my nephews and nieces. Last Saturday at Candy Corner Shangri-la, we stopped by to get some goodies by the gram when I saw that Bean Boozled 2nd Edition is now available!!!

The concept is two flavors, same color jelly bean, one pleasantly delicious the other appallingly nasty. Dare to compare!!!

Heed the warning! Really weird and wild!

Double warning - front & back!

Here is the flavor chart printed at the back. You can just imagine how this excited and disgusted me at the same time.

Skunk Spray is like burnt vulcanized rubber. Licorice is what we call the worst "good" flavor - has an astringent anise flavor which is an acquired taste.

Rotten egg is exactly what is tastes like; sulfuric and pungent. Buttered popcorn is heavenly salty and savoury, reminds me of the cinema.

Booger (c'mon we all tasted snot when we were kids...) is salty and dirty tasting, indescribable. The juicy pear is fresh, sweet and tart.

Baby wipes taste like alcohol (try putting some wet ones on your lips and that's what it tastes like). Coconut has a bright tropical taste.

Another childhood flavor that brought me nostalgia is pencil shavings as we have bitten a mongol pencil one way or another, whether deliberate or when we were stressing out for an exam. Top banana tastes like a very good and moist banana cake, only with a natural banana fruit flavor.

Toothpaste is the best "worst" flavor for us! :) Berry blue has that berry candy profile that reminds me of Airheads or Skittles.

Barf tastes like that time when you had one drink too many and you feel acid on your throat for a second and everything that you ate follows after - kudos to the flavorists for getting this very precise! The Peach bean is very pleasant with a fuzzy flavor we usually taste in peach-flavored drinks.

Moldy cheese tastes like stinky cheese kept inside the fridge for months. Caramel coated popcorn / corn snack is what caramel corn tastes like - familiar with Moby caramel curls?

Noticed I skipped some beans?

From the first edition, these were the two flavors that were replaced.
White/Light Beige: Cafe Latte or Ear Wax - nice coffee profile, but the ear wax was indescribable and was not "clear" as to what flavor it was really, no way to guess if you did not know that was ear wax flavor.
Blue with White Spots: Plum or Black Pepper - plum is fruity but no distinct taste, and black pepper is a bit spicy like biting into a whole peppercorn.

The second edition offers oh-so-good fun flavors and the most unbelievable flavors.

Strawberry jam has a deep and sweet strawberry flavor, like spooning jam in your mouth. Centipede tastes like soil and guts which is very funky. Add to that the image in your mind of a crunchy, stinky insect in you mouth! Ulch!

Ever had Chocolate pudding Jello snack cup? That's what this bean tastes like, very rich and smooth. I do not know where to start with Canned Dog Food. It's mere smell made me wanna vomit. Just like freshly opened can of dog food. It has a meaty taste with hints of processed gravy and industrial waste. If ever you get stuck with nothing on your pantry but dog food, practice your survival will power by training your palate with this bean!

We wanted to get a taste of all flavors so we cut beans into three to be shared amongst my nephews, nieces... and to make it more fun, my mumsy!!!

But the fun does not stop there. We had an idea, make nasty cocktails from the beans and combine unknown flavors and see what we get!

Barf or Peach + Baby Wipes or Coconut

Rotten Egg or Buttered Popcorn + Canned Dog Food or Chocolate Pudding
We were sooooooooooooooo lucky to get the ugly flavors in these concoctions!!! Look at the reactions of my niece and my mumsy!!!

These confections are so nasty they should be featured by Andrew Zimmern's Bizaare Foods or by Mythbusters to discover how the hell their flavorists get the flavors soooooo close to the real things.

If it's too extreme for you to pick up a centipede or put a spoon of dog food in your mouth or gnaw on baby wipes, have fun with some Bean Boozled! Available at Candy Corner stores for P99.75 per box! :)


  1. i ♥ jelly beans! i want to try this.. very Harry Potter's Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.
